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MultBox.Ucoz.Ru » Мультфильмы, фильмы, саундтреки » Песни и тексты песен из мультфильмов и фильмов » Аладдин и Король разбойников / Aladdin and the King of Thieves

Are You In or Out?
[ · Скачать (2.38 Мб) ] 21.11.2011, 21:46
"Are You In or Out?"
Performed by Jerry Orbach and Scott Barnes, Jeff Bennett, Merwin Foard, David Friedman, Jess Harnell, Clyde Kusatsu, Rob Paulsen, Paul Kandel, Peter Samuel, Gordon Stanley, Guy Stroman
Words and Music by Randy Peterson & Kevin Quinn

I remember a time
When crime was sublime
There was plenty of loot in the lair
We'd plunder and pillage
And ransack a village
With nary a worry or care
Then along came this king
With his soft-hearted dream
But he ratted us out in the end
So rally the troops!
We were meant to re-group
And return to our roots once again!
Are you in or out?
Gotta know without a doubt
I'm the one you need for a dirty deed
I'm the best, success is guaranteed
Are you men or mice?
Take a slice of my advice!
You want a fearless leader, one that's strong and stout
Better vote for me
Are you in or out?

We used to be smart, yes
Horrendously heartless
In ravaging raids, we were rough
We knew what we had
To be blissfully bad
Then Cassim brought this sensitive stuff!
And we strayed from the path
Of our rigorous wrath
Now we're taking a bath in the dust!
But we'll reclaim our winnings
Our humble beginnings
In turmoil and torture, we trust!

Are you in or out?
Double-crossers or devout?
Put your faith in me
Pretty soon you'll see
I'm the prince of generosity
Are you foe or friend?
Here's the path I recommend
You want a ride to fame?
I've got the fastest route;
What's it gonna be?
We'll go robbing in all the right places,
From Agrabah dunes to Bali
Imagine the fear on their faces
When we drop by for cookies and tea

Come along, boys!
Follow me!
Are you in or out?
If you're with me, give a shout (YAY!)
I'll lead you all the way
Into the glory days
We'll begin a life of crime that pays

Are you out or in?
Make your choice now, sink or swim!

You can stick with me, or stay behind and pout
What's it gonna be?
Consider carefully
Are you in or out?

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