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MultBox.Ucoz.Ru » Мультфильмы, фильмы, саундтреки » Песни и тексты песен из мультфильмов и фильмов » Вольт / Bolt

Miley Cyrus & John Travolta - I Thought I Lost You
[ · Скачать (8.25 Мб) ] 16.07.2010, 21:00
"I Thought I Lost You"
Performed by Miley Cyrus & John Travolta

Nobody listens to me
Don’t hear a single thing I've said,
Say anything to soothe me,
Anything to get you from my head

Don’t know how I really feel
To fake the days and make it like I don’t care
Don’t know how much it hurts
to turn around like u were never there

Like somehow you could be the break
And I could walk away from the promises we made
And swore we’d never break

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

I felt so empty out there
And there were days I had my doubts
But I knew I found you somewhere
'cause I knew I couldn't live without
You in my life for one more day
I swore I never break the promises we made

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

I've told myself I wouldn't sleep till
I searched the world from sea to sea

I made a wish upon a star
I turned around and there you were

Now here we are

Here we are
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you, too

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you


I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

But I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

So then I got you got you
So then I got you

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too 

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