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MultBox.Ucoz.Ru » Мультфильмы, фильмы, саундтреки » Песни и тексты песен из мультфильмов и фильмов » Труп невесты / Corpse Bride

The Wedding Song
[ · Скачать (7.61 Мб) ] 17.04.2010, 19:34

A wedding, a wedding
We're going to have a wedding

Hold on, Victor.
You can't get married looking like that.

The spiders think you're very cute
But goodness knows you need a suit
But have no fears, we're quite adept
We'll have you looking lovely, lovely, lovely 
Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely yet

A little stitch, a little tuck
Some tender loving care
A little thread will fix you up
And we've got plenty as you see
And personally guarantee
Our quality repairs

A little here, I'll fix the mess
We're going to do our very best
When everybody sees you
They will all be quite impressed
They will all be quite impressed

A wedding, we're going to have

A wedding cake is no mistake
It must be quite sublime
- We're missing something
- Try some dust
I wish I had more time

Perhaps there's something I can do
These bones might help a bit
- Oh, my nose.
- Sorry. 
Wait a minute, that's it

- A little of that
- A little of this

The perfect cake is hard to miss    
A wedding, a wedding
We're going to have
A wedding
Huzzah, huzzah      
We're going to have a wedding
A wedding
Let's all give out a cheer
'Cause the bride is getting married today
One thing you can surely say
Is we will stand beside    
Until the end we will defend
Our one and only bride  
Our bride-to-be, our bride-to-be
Our lovely Corpse Bride
Huzzah! Hooray! Huzzah! Hooray!
Our bride is getting married today
- Oh, there she is.
- Here she comes.

Oh, oh, the bride is here
She's waited for this day
For many a year

For this day, for this day
Our hopes and our pride
The bride is here
Here comes the bride
Here comes the bride
Here comes the bride

For this day, for this day
Will last forever
And all of her friends
Will work together

To make it the perfect day
She's always dreamed
Our hopes and our pride
Our bride, our lovely bride

We're going to have a party
Like nobody's ever seen
The living in the land above
Will not know where they've been

The land above
The party of the bride

Категория: Труп невесты / Corpse Bride | Добавил: MultBox
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1 Я  
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я её искала..)

2 MultBox  
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