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MultBox.Ucoz.Ru » Мультфильмы, фильмы, саундтреки » Песни и тексты песен из мультфильмов и фильмов » Труп невесты / Corpse Bride

Remains of The Day
[ · Скачать (8.60 Мб) ] 17.04.2010, 19:41

Hey, give me a listen
You corpses of cheer    
At least those of you
Who still got an ear

I'll tell you a story
Make a skeleton cry
Of our own jubiliciously
Lovely Corpse Bride

Die, die, we all pass away
But don't wear a frown
Because it's really okay
You might try and hide
And you might try and pray
But we all end up
The remains of the day

That's right.

Well, our girl was a beauty
Known for miles around
When a mysterious stranger
Came into town

He was plenty good-looking
But down on his cash
And our poor little baby
She fell hard and fast

When her daddy said no
She just couldn't cope
So our lovers came up
With a plan to elope

Die, die, we all pass away
But don't wear a frown
Because it's really okay
You might try and hide
And you might try and pray
But we all end up
The remains of the day

That's right.
Okay. Oh, yeah.
Come on, boys, pick it up.
Yeah. Like it.
Okay, Chancy, take it.

That's nice.
So they conjured up a plan
To meet late at night
They told not a soul
Kept the whole thing tight

Now, her mother's wedding dress
Fit like a glove
You don't need much
When you're really in love

Except for a few things
Or so I'm told
Like the family jewels
And a satchel of gold

Then next to the graveyard
By the old oak tree
On a dark foggy night
At a quarter to 

She was ready to go
But where was he?

And then?
- She waited
- And then?

- There in the shadows, was it her man?
- And then?

- Her little heart beat so loud
- And then?

And then, baby, everything went black

Now, when she opened her eyes
She was dead as dust
Her jewels were missing
And her heart was bust

So she made a vow
Lying under that tree
That she'd wait for her true love
To come set her free

Always waiting for someone
To ask for her hand
Then out of the blue
Comes this groovy young man

Who vows forever
To be by her side
And that's the story
Of our Corpse Bride

Die, die, we all pass away
But don't wear a frown,
Because it's really okay
You might try and hide
And you might try and pray
But we all end up
The remains of the day

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